About Machine Vision Clearance

Machine Vision Clearance is an e-commerce website developed to assist companies that are having difficulties locating mature or obsolete machine vision products. The intention is to provide users of machine vision products with a single place to find, out-dated and discontinued vision components that may be required to service field repairs or to maintain spare parts inventory for older equipment.

This site represents several of the industry's premier suppliers, as well as smaller, more niche-oriented manufacturers. The products listed on this website have come directly from the manufacturers, and are not Refurbished, B-Stock, or Evaluations.

These products are strictly new, and in class "A" condition. Most importantly is they are all being sold at discounted prices. So you are not only procuring difficult to find products, but you are doing so at greatly reduced prices.

If you do not find the exact product you are searching for, please contact us, as we update our inventory regularly. Our goal is to service all your mature and obsolete machine vision product requirements.

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